Horizontal and vertical lines

Produce four examples of horizontal and four of vertical lines avoiding repeating the way each line appears as far as possible.

Vertical lines



 The straight lines of these lockers immediately stood out from their surroundings at the local cricket club. I took photos from several angles and directions and found this vertical framing to be the most pleasing.

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Trees along the pavement

 There are quite a few lines going on here. The tree trunks provide fairly stark contrast against the receding lines of the road, pavement and verge.

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Old window

Whilst there are both horizontal and vertical lines here, the vertical lines dominate with the strong contrast between light and dark areas of the photograph.

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 My daughter provides the obvious vertical line in this photograph although there are additional vertical lines courtesy of the gate and tree in the background.

Horizontal lines

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Through the stairs

Shooting from behind this staircase produced some very strong contrast as the backs were deep in shadow thanks to the light coming from a skylight above.

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I was able to take this shot by climbing on to the top of a stack of hay to get up to the roof (please don’t go trying similar unless you know what your doing, not all hay stacks are created equally!). I deliberately included the light as I wanted a point to capture the eye.

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Round bale detail

 Lots of lines here, the individual black and white lines form four larger bands. They all serve to draw the eye towards the number 9.

Belle on a bench

Belle on a bench

 Whilst my daughter is clearly star of the show here again, the strong horizontal lines of the bench serve to draw the eye to her here. Ideally I would have been able to add some symmetry by placing her bang in the middle but the bench is a bit rickety. Didn’t want the poor maid getting stabbed by wayward splinters!

To conclude

I had a few restrictions in place when taking the photos for this exercise. All of the locations were fairly compact so, no room for say, a horizon which would be quite an obvious subject for a horizontal line. In addition, I found myself being drawn to subjects with multiple target lines rather than looking for just the one line.

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Filed under OCA, Part two: Elements of design, TAOP

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